Thank You Teachers

Saturday, February 10, 2018 9 comments
We have just wrapped up teacher appreciation week at our school. Our parents go above beyond to make us feel special. As I sipped my coffee this morning, I thought about all the special teachers in T's life so far. We are so thankful. 

He started with his amazing sitter, Mrs. Vicki. Then there was fun Miss Jen at the daycare and his loving pre-k teachers at High Meadows. When kindergarten rolled around, Mrs. Cardwell welcomed him with open arms. She loved him and still does. Mrs. Rudolf was his first grade teacher and celebrated his quirks. For second grade, he had Mrs. Pennington. He became a writer that year. He was growing up and she helped him do so. Now in third grade, the grade everyone warned me about, he has Mrs. Jones. She is kind and loving. He has become a reader this year. He is reading everything and anything. He loves school. This may not last forever, but I'm enjoying it while I can!
He has lots of other unofficial, official teachers, too. Coach Chaddy and Mrs. Whatley cheer him on during PE. Ms. Moe chats him up at after school care. Mrs. Kristin asks his opinions about cafeteria stuff. Ms. Alexander fosters his love of reading and his curiosity. Mr. C. encourages his crazy science ideas and he and Mrs. Kaltreider see T as the artist his. Mr. Matthews loves how T listens to his music stories and T loves the stories. Mrs. Alter and Mrs. Hill show him how to do the coolest things ever on the computer. Ms. Chandra loves him and his stories. He loves them all. He respects them. 

I know this is a bit sappy, but I am so happy he is loved. As parents, that is all we want, someone to like our kid. He is liked. He is loved. He is happy.

To all the teachers out there, the ones who say hello to my son and all of the other kids they pass in the hall, thank you. To all the teachers who are making it work after 37 grumpy emails, thank you. To all the teachers who are protecting your students from the germs while putting yourself through the ringer, thank you. For all the teachers who are tired from teaching kids all day and head home to love on your own kids, thank you.
Thank you teachers. Not just this week, not just on Valentine's Day, but everyday! Thank you! 

Teacher Reflection

Monday, November 27, 2017 11 comments
A wonderful friend of mine asked me to share 3 things that I was surprised by when I started teaching. She is a professor and writer and will be speaking to seniors (future educators) and community members in the spring. She was pretty picky about her plea. She did not want any happy, frilly, foo foo stuff. "I was surprised by how much love and joy I found in teaching." NONE OF THAT the email said. She had that covered. She wanted the true surprises. The things parents, professors, the community, these college students, etc would really be surprised by. 

I made my list and it was harder than I thought. I  really am surprised by the joy teaching gives me. I am surprised almost daily. I am surprised how quickly I forget the stress/behaviors/meetings because each day is a fresh start....just like parenting. 

But I did it! I chose 3 and here they are. Let me know if you agree or what you would add!

1. Email. OH MY GOODNESS. The emails.
I receive at least 20 emails to my school account. Some are county, some are ads, some are parents, some are team, some are sweet and some are never read. The emails, while convenient and much easier to track than the paper notes of yesteryear, can be quite overwhelming. Especially if you sometimes respond in your head and forget to send the actual email. :) 

2. Not everyone will like you. 
It does not matter what you do or who you are. You simply will not be able to please everyone all the time. I know this is a life thing, but maybe teachers think we can. You know, because teachers have magical powers. We think we can make everyone happy and that is exactly why I would really like for our future teachers to hear this one over and over. Just do your very best every day. 

3.  Stress eating is real. 

This is actual footage of my first year vs the current year. HA! Seriously though, you need a stress outlet and you can't let it be your family. You must find your thing that helps you let relax-exercising, writing, blogging, doodling, whatever. Stress can sneak up on you. It builds a little tower inside of you waiting to collapse. The outside of teaching universe does not realize we carry it all-every student, parent, grade, plan, colleague issue, email, to do list and so on-right there on our shoulders. It's a lot. Find your thing and remember to make time for yourself. 

I know there are so many others I could put on this list, but these are the chosen ones for now! This also reminds me that it is time to send my new teacher friends a hug and a happy! 

Have a great week everyone!

TPT Giveaway!!!

Sunday, November 26, 2017 19 comments
Have you heard the news? Teachers Pay Teachers is having a Cyber Monday and Tuesday sale!!! I don't know about you, but I have a few LOTS of items (math games, STEM lessons, clip art, fonts, etc) on my wish list. 
Thanks for sharing this graphic, Comprehension Connection!
TPT has gifted me a $10 gift code to share with one of my readers. I'm so excited! I'm making it super easy, too! 

Enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win the $10 gift code! That should help make a dent in your wish list! Happy shopping!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wonder Giveaway!

Monday, November 13, 2017 1 comment
I have been counting down the days until Wonder would be released! I loved reading this book (both times) and am hoping the movie at least half way lives up to my high expectations! I'll be heading to a screening on Wednesday and will be sure to let you know. 
Oh wait....why don't you meet me there? I'm giving away free advanced screening passes! Click the link below to claim an "admit two pass" to see the film this Wednesday, November 15th in Atlanta! 

Hope to see you there!

In the meantime, check out the trailer! 


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