World Read Aloud Day Success!

Sunday, March 18, 2012
On March 7th, we celebrated World Read Aloud Day at school and home! World Read Aloud Day is a special day to celebrate the power of reading aloud! This, of course, makes me smile from ear to ear! 
Here's what it looked like in Marietta, GA!
More than 500 students from grades K-5 joined with their book buddies to read to each other!
Georgia's First Lady, Sandra Deal, read to my class and our 4th grade book buddies!
We donated around $75 to support reading around the world through LitWorld!
T read to Mommy and I read to T! (What an AWESOME way to end the day!)
A George Washington Carver story! He is part of standards-how did she know? :)
 We presented the First Lady with a framed picture of our classes. The kids were as excited as she was!
She answered questions and shared a poem Governor Deal penned himself!
How did you celebrate? It's not too late ya know! Visit to learn more! 

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