The story is about a little boy who spends time at a nursing home. He finds that one of his favorite friends, Miss Nancy, has lost her memory. He sets out on a journey to find out what memories are and bring them back to her. I cry every time. Why? Because memories come rushing back to me. Memories of my brother.....laughing, jamming to rock music, playing kickball with us. Memories of my sister.....hugging me tight, helping me getting ready, calling just because. Memories are warm, they are sad, they make you laugh, they are long ago and they are precious, just like the story says. Memories of the day my little guy was born, the day he said mommy, the face he makes when he puckers up. Memories are as precious as gold.
Every child deserves a shot at making memories.
Come learn more at Shot@Life. Join the movement! Sign the pledge! Global vaccinations save lives and allow families around the world to make more memories!
Join us on Twitter this Thursday from 9-12 as we make a few memories of our own! @Lyssareads #vaccineswork
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