When I was asked to review this product, I thought of my best friend. Creative Teaching Press (love them!) has created a parent and teacher resource that has many great parts. Best part (mom's opinion) the real books! They are colorful and fun and perfect for my pre reader! T feels like big stuff when he "reads" these books. T's favorite part (I'm serious) is the books, too. He just loves them and wants to read them again and again. Another bonus-this is doable!
What did I do with them? We read the books (all 8!!) We did one or two pages in the workbook. He is pretty hands on, so we are not focusing too much on that. We did a few of the activities and let me tell you they were helpful even for this first grade teacher! He asked to do this and that makes me happy! T loved placing the stickers on the record sheet after reading each book a few times.
So what is it I am bragging about?
The Learn to Read Kids Club!
Each set (available for Kindergarten and first grade) includes:
All of this for less than $30! My advice to my best friend-get a group of moms together. Each one buys a set. Use them and trade them! Make the most of your money and your child's time! Creative Teaching Press is helping make reading with a preschooler fun and affordable!
Do you want a set but just don't have $30 to spend right now? Well, it is your lucky day! Enter now to win a Kindergarten set of your very own!! I know my best friend is!