Reading Fluency
Author Bio: Today’s guest post
comes from Toni, an elementary school teacher with a specialty in differentiated instruction and designing
hands-on lessons that incorporate the multiple intelligences. You can often find Toni writing for, where teachers can buy and
sell their original lesson plans, worksheets, and more. She is married to a middle school math
teacher and is a mom to a mystery loving 7 year old sweetie-girl and a quirky
little light saber toting 3 year old.
Reading fluency is one of the five essential
components of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, reading fluency, vocabulary and reading comprehension
strategies. Students should be
able to read with proper inflection and prosody. Beginning and struggling
readers often read without attention to their intonation, loudness or timing
even if their pronunciation of the words themselves does not pose a
difficulty. Ideally, we want our
beginning readers to read like they speak conversationally.
Have you ever run before? You can follow
blogs about running, subscribe to running magazines and take a class on proper
running technique, but there is a direct correlation between how many miles you
put on your sneakers and how good of a runner you are. Reading fluency is just
like running. Fluent readers read, and they read often. All too often our reading blocks are
filled with reading instruction, but leave very little time for students to
actually read.
In order to develop fluent readers within our
classroom students must hear fluent readers read. Modeling fluent reading through daily read alouds and a well
stocked listening center will help your students develop an ear for what fluent
reading sounds like. Students also need daily opportunities to revisit text
both silently and orally.
So, how do we engage our students in a way
that they not only have time to read, but actually want to read? There are
usually a few students who would happily read the same book for the entire
reading block, but most students need a variety of reading opportunities to
keep them engaged.
Poems are a very powerful way to improve
student fluency. They usually are full of excellent vocabulary and
multisyllabic words, but are ‘bite sized’ and easy for students to read again
and again or to buddy read with a friend. Silly poems like those of Shel
Silverstein will usually engage even the most reluctant reader. Assign a poem to each student on Monday
and give them time to practice it silently as well as with a buddy the first
few minutes of reading each day.
At the end of each week hold a class ‘poetry slam’ where students can
share their poem with their classmates.
Give students a reason to read. Each week
assign small groups of students a short play or reader’s theater. Give them
time to read their script to themselves and then rehearse it with their group
during center time. They may also take it home to practice for homework. When
students have a purpose to read they don’t mind rereading the same text
multiple times. Have each group perform their plays on Friday and videotape
their performance. When all the groups have performed allow them to watch the video.
This allows them to see how they sound and self correct any non-fluent
behaviors like mumbling or speaking to fast or slow.
A ‘double dare’ station can encourage
children to read in order to learn how to do something new. This station can be
filled with all kinds of ‘how to’ books explaining how to juggle, draw, take
care of a puppy, perform magic card
tricks, and just about anything else your students may want to learn. Make sure
to include anything they may need to perform their task in the center as well.
Klutz books are very readable and include all necessary objects. At the
beginning each week double dare your students to learn how to do something new
like learn how to juggle. Set aside a special show-and-tell time each week
where students can show off their new skills to their classmates.
Pique your student’s curiosity. When students
are curious about something they are intrinsically motivated to learn more
about it by reading. Allow students to pick topics of interest like knights and
castles, the Olympics or theTitanic and set up a curiosity station (that
sounds much more fun than research station doesn’t it?) in your room. For each
topic place several books of varying levels in a basket and label it. Each week
your students can select a topic of interest to become an expert in. As
students finish their research allow them to sign up to share what they learned
with their classmates.
By intentionally providing the necessary time
and resources for your students to practice their fluency you will help to
inspire a classroom of confident and avid readers.