
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
The older I get, the more I value quiet. 

Maybe it's the fact that being a first grade teacher and mommy to a preschooler does not allow for much quiet. 

Maybe it's the being one of four children growing up thing. 

Maybe it's the constant chatter I always have going on in my own do lists, take the high road, data, call parent, call my parents, how is my niece, am i gaining weight, is it me or her-obviously her, why did I do that, guilt, plan this, plan that, save money for, where is his backpack, where is my teacher bag, what is for dinner, do we need eggs, what was I doing.....

Ah, silence. quiet. peace. I came across this from Napoleon Dynamite, I mean, Napoleon Bonaparte.
Sounds like good advice. I've got it! More walking! Yoga! Deep breathing! Reading!
Or maybe, just maybe, I need to make time for some good ol' fashion silence. 


  1. I can relate to the need for quiet. One of four children growing up, first grade teacher and mother of two. I was voted class quietest. I like quiet. But it is sometimes hard to find. Retirement has turned off a lot of those voices though!

    1. I'm a big talker, probably part of the problem! I've been thinking about retirement lately.....

  2. Ah... silence. (yea right) I have the luxury of a silent apartment right now. But I totally understand your thinking.

  3. Love the way you showed us your mind chatter. Enjoy the noise. Silence can be deafening.

    1. That is what I try to avoid. For better or worse. Not sure if you are reading this, but thank you. Just read your blog. We don't know each other, but we do.

  4. OMG...I totally relate to your valuing quiet. I'm at another phase of life...grown children but I do teach second grade so every quiet moment is a blessing. I wonder if we have to wait until retirement to quiet the mind chatter????

    1. Every quiet moment is a blessing...I like that!!! I wonder if the mind chatter ever stops!!!!


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