What We're Reading....

Wednesday, March 20, 2013
T and I are in love with Jan Thomas right now. In love, I tell you! 
These are our two favorite books (today.)

Rhyming Dust BunniesHere Comes the Big, Mean Dust Bunny!

Her author page is really fun, too! We checked out her other books and characters. We were also SUPER THRILLED when we came across her "Things To Do" page. She has lots of fun freebies to go with her books. These are two of the ones T loves most! The first one is number fun. We laughed and laughed as we did each one! The second one is right up our alley. We put rhyming words in the first three bubbles and then one that did not rhyme in the last one. This makes sense if you've read Rhyming Dust Bunnies!
Click on the pics to go straight there! 

If you have a preschooler or kindergartner, invite these books into their world. They are fun! If you teach pre-K, Kindergarten, or first--you want these too! My class enjoyed them as much as T!

Have you fallen in love with a book or author lately? 


  1. This Nana will be checking out these books. Thanks!

  2. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks again Lyssa! I've been looking for rhyming books! You read my mind!


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