Want my very favorite tip for fluency fun?
Think poetry. Think short reads. Think perfect for your disfluent friends!
Ta Da! Here it is!! Get these books!
I attended a conference a few years ago and the presenter suggested these books for read to someone. She is a genius and if I remembered her name, I would write her a thank you note!
You Read to Me, I'll Read to You are designed with words on the left (first reader,) words on the right (second reader,) and words in the middle (to be read together.) I immediately fell in love and so have my first graders and tutoring students! They are affordable too! I ordered my last set through Scholastic book orders!
Mary Ann Hoberman is one of my favorites anyway, but it is like she wrote these books with fluency in mind. She has one on fairy tales, fables, and the kids' favorite-spooky tales!
So how do I use these gems? They go home with kids to read with their parents (after modeling lots of times!) This is what an actual page looks like.
I also copy the pages and place them in a binder. The first speakers' part is highlighted one color, the second in a different color, and the middle parts are highlighted in a third color. Brilliant and easy!
They LOVE them! The levels vary, the topics are super kid friendly, and it really spices up our read to someone (Daily 5, CAFE) time!
Have you seen these before?
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