What We're Reading

Friday, September 27, 2013
Am I the only one (STILL) trying to establish a back to school routine? Seriously, I've been in school 7 weeks and T has been in school 5 weeks and things are still nuts. 

While I'm spilling my guts here, I might as well tell you that of all people, this teacher has not gotten in a book every single day with my guy. Hangs head in shame. It's more like, bath-teeth-prayers-song-sleep kid! I must get back on routine and get things in order. I need a little time off and then some time off to get things in order. (Like that?) 

On the nights we have read, these are what's hot with the 4 1/2 year old~
He's been a fan for years (like he's so old!) but always goes back to this one!

Another favorite. He loves the song and sings along.

Ever since that trip to Washington, he's been obsessed with all things King. We love it!

What are you reading with your child?


  1. We are reading a ton of Froggy books right now. My favorite is he'll 'read' it to me when I come in and tuck him in after Dad has read it to him. We also love Elephant and Piggie and Pete. "Torpedo" (his blog name) also really likes the Scholastic Level One readers on Hot Wheels and Super Heroes. Not my personal favorite, but I've learned to let that go. What a cute blog you have! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I haven't done Froggy! I need to bring a few home. Thank you! I think T would like them! T was obsessed with Ninjago readers for what seemed like an eternity. I had to learn to let go.....it was hard! Ha!!! Thanks for commenting! :)

  2. I love that you do not pretend to be the "perfect" Mom. It is important to realize that even when we try our hardest sometime we "just can't do it all" and as long as we keep trying that's okay.

    1. I love this! In fact, it applies to life in general~as long as we keep trying, its ok! Thanks for commenting!


Thank you for your comments. Words matter. :)


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