Ah! Our first graders are sooo excited about our new math zone! Using grant funds, we found a local paving company to pave number bonds, a ten frame, double ten frame, a number line, and......a 120 chart!
The kids are loving it! They are calling out number bonds and telling their buddies to find the missing number! We know our friends in K and 2nd are going to be just as amazed!
By far, their favorite is the 120 chart. They walk and count, jump and count, run/freeze/say the number, hop by tens, jump and count backward, etc. We can't stop smiling!
We designed this one to be just the right size for paper or dry erase boards. That way, we can decide the numerals for ourselves!
Due to weather, we have not been able to use them for teaching as much as we (and the kids) would like. We just can't wait for it to warm up so we can take our math lesson outside!
I think anytime we can combine movement and math, we are doing a great thing for our kids. Taking it outside is kicking it up to an even higher notch!
I mean, seriously, how cool is this?!?!