Disneynature's BEARS!

Sunday, April 20, 2014
Disneynature's Bears opened on Friday and if you haven't seen it yet, Go! We loved it! 

T and I learned so much about brown bears. They live in Alaska. They have an amazing sense of smell. They go to the same place every year. The females have one or two cubs. Mommies take care of the babies for about two years. 

Sky is the mommy. Scout and Amber, her cubs, are adorable!! Scout is very Tesque. He starts off looking for his tough and strong bear role model. He finds that role model and that was the sweetest part of the whole movie! 

John C. Reilly is the narrator and his voice was the perfect fit! 

The movie goes so fast because you are literally hanging on every word. I'd say it is made for the 4 and up crowd~nothing too scary and no sad parts....if you know what I mean!

Here is a big set of FREEBIES! Click on the pictures to download and enjoy! There is something for every age and every teacher! 
All photos and docs are courtesy of Disney.

Remember, if you see it this week, Disneynature is donating a portion to National Parks! 

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