What We're Reading Sunday

Sunday, June 1, 2014
Thank you for checking out our weekly post, What We're Reading Sunday! We are on a summer hiatus though! 

Not a hiatus from reading though! We are participating in Donalyn Miller's Summer Bookaday! There are few rules with #bookaday, just committing to trying to read one book everyday. You can even cheat a little and read two in one day to cover for not reading one day! I love that! T and I are all over #bookaday! 
We are starting today and will share our reads each Sunday. Our plan is to check the bookshelves to revisit some oldies and also read any that we have picked up and never read! Now is the time! 
(Mommy's reading To Kill A Mockingbird.)
We hope you will join us for some casual summer reading! Take a pic and post it, too! #bookaday 

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