What We're Reading Sunday

Sunday, July 27, 2014
We are on a summer hiatus from our weekly posts! Instead we are participating in Donalyn Miller's #bookaday! 

Here is what we are reading!
T is in love with Planet Kindergarten by Sue Ganz-Schmitt and Shane Prigmore. We have read it 38 times.....so far. It has been our bedtime story night after night. This book is ABSOLUTELY perfect for my guy and I feel like maybe, just maybe, it was written just for him. I love the rich vocabulary and comparison between outer space and the classroom. Seriously-one of our best reads this summer!
As for my mommy, I am reading Comprehension and Collaboration: Inquiry Circles in Action. While the book is written for K-12 (usually not my kind of read as I prefer K-2, K-5 at the most!) it really has something for everyone. I am learning a lot with this book and appreciate the teacher friendly format!
Do you see the bunny ears??? Kid is nuts!

What are YOU reading?

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