We made our annual trip to Mercier Orchards over the weekend. It is about an hour drive from our house and we look forward to it every year! We go with a few other families and it has kind of become a tradition. This year was a bit different as we were missing one of our favorite families and because for the first time ever, it rained on us! Don't worry, we smiled through the soaking wet denim and totally gross wet orchard smells. :)
We picked Fuji, Cameo, and a few other kinds before the bottom fell out. My favorites...golden delicious were no longer available for picking. I cried a little....then I had a tall glass of cherry apple cider and all was right in the world!
If you can't beat him, join him! Silly faces!
We filled two bags and our bellies with delicious, fresh apples!

So....what should I do with them this year?
Hi, Lyssa! We went to Mercier's the first Saturday in Oct. It is our FAVORITE apple orchard in that area! We love taking our granddaughter! It has become a family tradition for us as well. We just love going through all of the trees and tasting different apples. I love that they now have a pumpkin patch, too! Anyway, I have a recipe for Apple Dapple Cake and I'll be glad to share it if you are interested! I need to get back to posting regularly on my blog, so you have inspired me! I'm going to post our pictures and then post that recipe. Maybe someone out there in blog land will enjoy it. Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE to have that recipe! Please share the link to your post or email it to mymommyreads.com. I'll gladly share the post, too! Mercier is our favorite apple place! I hope you will get back to posting regularly and maybe, just maybe that will keep me posting, too!! HA! Thanks for commenting and I hope you have a great week, too....and I hope it gets a little cooler! :)
DeleteI finally posted my blog tonight! I'm not sure you got the recipe I sent you the other night, but now I've linked it to one of my pictures on the blog. If you have time, let me know if recipe worked well for you. This blog I have is called teachingtidbitsandmore.com I have one that I use for school that is called lindaslearningloot.com......I'm hoping to combine the 2 after Christmas. I'm still a novice, but hoping I can learn more this year. Thanks again, Lyssa! I always enjoy reading your posts!!