What We're Reading Sunday

Sunday, October 18, 2015 No comments
Thank you checking out our (almost) weekly post, What We're Reading Sunday!

Keeping it real, friends. Want to know what I've been reading? Family Fun, All You, and Time. I have been in the mood for short and satisfying reads and I love it! I haven't had the time to commit to a long read and that's ok. I even told my class about it! I've stumbled upon a Halloween craft, a recipe that I saved but will likely never prepare, and a bed and breakfast in Savannah that I truly hope to visit one day! That is some mighty fine reading! 

As for T, we are reading a book in the Magic Bone series together. It is cracking him up and that makes his reader heart happy.
He is all about this Sports Illustrated Kids Puzzle book, too. He loves a good challenge!
He is also still obsessed with Who Would Win books and I don't blame him. I learn something new every time I read one! 
Baby M is reading whatever T reads. He sits and grabs the book, gnaws the edges, and hits T's knees. It is pretty sweet. 

What are YOU reading?

Franken Freebie!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015 No comments
I'm guest posting on The Primary Peach today! Come see and be sure to enter the $50 giveaway AND grab some awesome freebies!!
Happy almost Hump Day!

What We're Reading Sunday

Sunday, October 11, 2015 1 comment
Thank you for checking out our (almost) weekly post, What We're Reading Sunday!

Of all the teacher books I have read in the last, I'm going to say year, this one is the one I recommend most. In fact, I'm going to put it all out there and say that if you teach reading K-5, you should get this book. Right now. Like, don't wait. Meet The Reading Strategies Book Jennifer Serravallo.
I sat down to write out my lesson plans for small groups and felt so empowered flipping through the pages of the book. There are 3 chapters just on informational reading and the layout is the most teacher friendly I have EVER seen. It has everything you need to plan groups and even whole group lessons as needed. If the Units of Study are your body, you need this book as your legs! 

This book was written for me. It was written for teachers by someone who gets us-Jennifer Serravallo. I love her other books, too (see below) but this one is hands down my favorite. Maybe it is because this is filling a current void for me. Maybe it is the easy to use format. Maybe it is because I can use this book for years to come, no matter what grade I'm teaching! 
Come friends, see for yourself....
 Each section has strategy, genres, levels it is appropriate for, teacher language, and a visual. There are also tips, too. 
You can't borrow this one. You can't share it with your teacher bestie. You need your own. I just told a friend that she must buy it for her new teacher daughter.  We need this book. Our kids, our readers, need us to have this book. Our visual teacher brains need this book!

If you do pick up this $40ish treasure (worth every penny,) let me know what you think!

Substitute Bad Words

Friday, October 9, 2015 2 comments
I am not a potty mouth. On occasion I might drop a naughty word or two, especially when I am a little fired up, but in general, I lean on the conservative side of foul language. 

There was this one time though, when T asked what a certain word meant I almost spit out my imaginary drink. Not knowing what to say, I went with the traditional, "where did you hear that word?" In my head, I was repeating over and over "please say Daddy, please say Daddy." He did not say that though. He said, "When we were driving the other day on that road with all the cars, that big truck came in front of you and you slammed on breaks and said, 'what the $#%^!' Then you pulled over and checked on me but I was fine." 
First of all, no parent wants to hear their child say that word. Second of all, no mommy wants to hear they are the background knowledge for such words. Third of all, well, it is what it is. (Pretty sure I need that on a shirt!) We had a talk about word choice, not the 6 Traits kind, and moved on with our lives.

After all these years of priding myself on saying things like, "Oh spaghettios!" or one I stole from my friend Aimee, "Frickity, frack!" Then there's "ding dang diggy" and my all time favorite, "banana yogurt!" Try saying that last one in a really aggravated tone. It is healing, I tell you. All for not, I learned though, all for not. They catch them all. Kids have little microphones with recording devices in their heads. The setting is set to "things you shouldn't hear" and the files are saved accordingly. 

This ended up being a great conversation with other friends who shared their substitute bad words, too. Some say oh ship! Others say things like what the frog and one clever friend says FOGGGG  on days that aren't so foggy. 

Do you have a substitute bad word? Come on, tell us, we won't record it and hold it against you later, I promise!


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